Friday, March 7, 2014

16 weeks

I am pre-writing this one and then going to add to it through out the week.....because we close the day after!

How far along? 16 Weeks!
Total Weight Gain: 5lbd 
Maternity Clothes? Same pants and looser shirts
Stretch Marks? no
Sleep: using a body pillow instead of two regular pillows has actually helped. I roll less, need to wake up less to roll, and stay on my side better.  I am glad I found something I have been sleeping much better with the body pillow.  Now having to get up the bathroom more as I am pushing more fluids is another story..... ;)  I got a pregnancy wedge from Abby Smith so we shall see how this goes.
Best Moment this Week: This was a good week!  On Saturday: Watching Kolton come second in the entire state for individual wrestling.  You want to see a balling sister, make her pregnant and watching a live stream on the computer when it suddenly goes out in the third period!  It came back on and he did great!  So proud of him!  Also,  Hearing the heartbeat!  I love hearing our little one in there growing and knowing everything is going to be ok.
Miss Anything? Apparently being able to stay at work and dance with my kids like I used to be able to do. We had a school dance on Friday and when I got home I was so sore!  I was actually a little worried because I had so much muscle pain and a cramp going down my left thigh.  The pain was still there Saturday so I called on my trusty nurse (and mom) friends and asked what they thought. They suggested pushing water and rest since there was no redness or swelling indicating a clot.  So Saturday I pushed water and rested and felt much better on Sunday.  It was scary.  I miss doing things without being terrified I am affecting the little life inside me.
Movement: not yet.  Really excited-hoping soon!
Food Craving? I didn't crave, but really wanted a BLT from Subway.  I had it all planned out I would get it on Wednesday while Alex was at work, but then I realized it was Ash Wednesday and I couldn't have meat.  THEN I really wanted it, but I did restrain myself.  Thursday I ate my footlong BLT.  No, I do not have a problem with eating a footlong sub.
Anything making you queasy or sick? not really, though if the kids could just use tissues and stop making the gross phlegm noises that would be great!
Have you started to show yet? a little more each day!  I love seeing my belly grow! It is the best sign that everything is alright and that baby is growing strong!
Bellybutton in or out? It is in, but the middle is going more out.
Gender Prediction: Based on the baby being on my right and the heart rate being 147BPM, I am leaning towards boy, but we shall see in 4 weeks!
Wedding Rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time? Like I said, when the internet cut out for Kolton's match I was so upset!  Alex wanted to know why on Earth I was crying over nothing we could fix.  I just kept blubbering, "I'm missing it!  I'm missing it!"  Also, moving is stressful, this week was stressful, and I just feel helpless when it comes to the move.  I also had a melt down on Wednesday. I was working on computer things, cleaning/packing the basement, and trying to focus on the move and school and everything and I just had an emotional mess.  I called my mom sobbing, I called Alex at Walgreens sobbing.  I did tell everyone that I was fine and my brain knows that everything was fine, but my emotions wouldn't let me stop.  Other than that pretty good.....haha 
Looking forward to: Moving to the new house!  I cannot wait to start out the nursery, start our new home, and start the next chapter of our lives!  This is the last picture in this house!  We close tomorrow!!!  Also, we are excited to find out the gender of our little one! Our next appointment has the ultrasound so we are super excited to get it written down and then discovering the gender at the gender reveal/ house warming part we are having in April.  
Anything Else? I plan on posting the new house when we get in there.  I may do some before and after shots and show the place.  We shall see what the week brings.

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