I am not sure how it came to be, but little girl is 3 months old already (and I am days late).
Likes: Watching big brother, Nolan, Drinking milk, Her bouncy seat, Music, Light, Daddy saying "goo"
Dislikes: Having a dirty diaper, Being late to get jammies/vitamin D (after 7 is a no no), being hungry, being in the car for an extending period of time
Can: sleep through the night, go 1-3 hours between feedings, track objects with her eyes, grasp toys on her play mat, hold her head up on tummy time and has rolled once (we will work on it some more).
Stella enjoyed a day at the park with mommy's old coworkers. She loved looking at the leaves/sun

We spend a week at Grandpa's cottage for the last time before he sold it. Stella loved the sun, didnt mind her feet in the water, and hanging out with mommy and daddy lots. She slept through the night and did very well being away from home.

She can sit in the bumbo!
Sleeps swaddled but is beginning to bust out!

Making some freaking adorable faces!

We celebrated Nolan's 2nd birthday with the Jansen family!
We went to the Dells for our annual "camping" trip. It was cold this year so we went to an indoor water park. Had lots of fun but it was SUPER crowded as everyone had the same idea. Ellie and Logan rented a double bike so we got to go on our first double bike ride. We also celebrated Nolan's birthday on this trip.

Then we celebrated Nolan's birthday again! He looks angry but he is hugging Stella!
Crazy hair, don't care is the best way to explain this little girl after bath! Her party is in the front and the back!

Nolan wanted to go for a wagon ride and Stella cant quite sit up yet. I took a pillow and put it next to her and then I put the blanket under her arms tying her up and we all could go for a wagon ride!
At the end of the school year, I got a gift certificate to go to the Greenville zoo. We packed up the kids on a Tuesday and took them both. We also went on the bonus train ride. Nolan also shared Stella's Ergo--first time wearing a toddler. We both really enjoyed it! We had a lot of fun--so much fun Stella napped a grand total of 30 minutes that day!

Stella Celebrating Packer game day and wishing everyone a happy back to school! Stella is really happy mommy is staying home with her this year!
When at the cottage, we visited the
Shabby Shack. We love looking around and Stella dazzled them so much she made the facebook page!
Celebrating Badger Game day! (boy was figuring out how to get the game on the TV at the cottage was a feat but they finally managed!)

Starting to bond a bit (still takes a lot of deliberate effort, but he put his arm around her and didn't want to push her away.....) Happy Birthday Grandpa Chew!
Until next month! Follow on instagram (@behindthescenes_mrsg) for more updates!