Total Weight Gain? +12
Stretch Marks? No new ones from Nolan
Sleep: pretty good, thought getting up to use the bathroom.
Best Moment this Week: taking Nolan to the waterpark and having lots of fun!
Miss Anything? A beer would have been nice on vacation at the waterpark
Movement: Lots, she is crazy
Food Craving? nothing really
Anything making you queasy or sick? no
Bellybutton in our out? Out
Wedding Rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time? happy
Looking forward to? Growing baby!
Labor Signs? some contractions/braxton hicks but nothing severe.
How far along? 28 Weeks
Total Weight Gain? +14
Stretch Marks? no new ones
Sleep: getting tougher but still doing well
Best Moment this Week: getting mine and baby girls matching robes!
Miss Anything? not really
Movement: lots
Food Craving? not really
Anything making you queasy or sick? not really
Bellybutton in our out? out, very out.
Wedding Rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time? moody
Looking forward to? running my own business and watching this baby grow
Labor Signs? minor braxton hicks
Anything else? I started working with Usborne Books & More and I am loving it. It is a lot to take on at this point in the pregnancy, but I am very excited about what it can do for our family. The extra income will be nice. I promised Alex if I took it on I would not fill your facebook feeds, but if you would EVER want to look through the books or want to buy books for gifts for your child, gifts, or something else PLEASE contact me and I will get you the info!
Total Weight Gain? +16
Stretch Marks? nothing new
Sleep: getting trickier every day
Best Moment this Week: haha watching Nolan meet the Easter Bunny.
Miss Anything? not much
Movement: tons
Food Craving? nothing really
Anything making you queasy or sick? not much
Bellybutton in our out? way out
Wedding Rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time? moodier
Looking forward to? Seeing extended family for Easter, baby girl keep on growing
Labor Signs? nothing new
Anything Else? We had an ultrasound done to check on the prevea. At 20 weeks they discovered a placenta was covering the cervix so they wanted to check on its progress. At this one, it has moved but only 2mm from the cervix. 2 cm is safe. Glad we are making progress, hoping to see even more at our 34 weeks ultrasound.
Making herself comfortable
How far along? 30 Weeks
Total Weight Gain? +19
Stretch Marks? nothing new
Sleep: Getting harder and harder.
Best Moment this Week: Snow day cuddling with Nolan and baby girl (yes, we started spring break with a snow day...only in Wisconsin)
Miss Anything? Just the flexibility at the waist
Movement: lots
Food Craving? nothing really
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not much
Bellybutton in our out? out
Wedding Rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time? happy
Looking forward to? Spring Break!
Labor Signs? not much!
How far along? 31 Weeks
Total Weight Gain? +23
Stretch Marks? nothing new
Sleep: Awful this week. Between hot flashes, discomfort, and just total insomnia its been a long, long week.
Best Moment this Week: Spring Break and watching Nolan learn and discover at all the fun events we went to.
Miss Anything? bending and not being tired all the time.
Movement: She is crazy.
Food Craving? Not craving, but steak sounds good a lot
Anything making you queasy or sick? not really
Bellybutton in our out? out
Wedding Rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time? moody this week
Looking forward to? seeing baby girl again and knowing she is growing.
Labor Signs? After spring break contractions got as close as every 7 minutes....that has slowed quite a bit with rest. Still some intense ones but not pain just really really tight.
Anything else?
Pregnancy is hard. With Nolan it was an Echogenic intraventricular focus (EIF), then bed rest at 28 weeks due to frequent Braxton Hicks/Contractions. It was hard and it put a lot of life into perspective. Makes your realize how small you are and how much bigger than you life really is. Then on his due date, the amazing, perfect, little boy that has filled our life with so much came into the world as healthy as can be.
Here we are with baby number 2. Our little baby girl. 31 weeks I am having quite a few contractions and some are more powerful than I ever remember the 12 week of Nolan's being. It went on for 2 days so I called the doctor, just to rule out its your second it just feels different. I came in and they did a non-stress test. They confirmed I was indeed having contractions and decided to do a fetal fibronectin test just to be safe. That came in negative. They did an ultrasound and found she is head down (yay!) and cervix is long (yay). I am not going into labor (phew). While head down they also discovered her head was very small and did a full bio-physical profile. It was discovered that she is measuring VERY small. She is only in the 10th percentile for her age. 90% of babies her age are bigger than her 3lbs5oz self. This means this little girl isn't quite growing as much as she should. I also still have my placenta prevea. Though it is moving, it is not in the clear yet. This means 2 appointments a week for tests, observation, monitoring, and evaluating.
If she would need to be taken early due to failure to thrive, I would need a C-Section at this point because of the prevea. I just want more time. I want my my baby girl to grow, I want to hold her in my body and allow my body to care for her the way it is designed. I want my placenta to have time to move. I want to be able to pick up my newborn and my 19 month old and put them to bed. I want her to stay out of the NICU because I want to breast feed and I want to hold her the way I held my miracle, Nolan. Now that I have stated my wants, I need to allow put it aside. At this point in time, I have no choices, there is nothing I can do and it is nothing I did that got us here. We are just along for the ride to see this little miracle arrive when the time is right for her.
Like I said, pregnancy is hard.
Look how much our babies look alike! Nolan's 32 week ultrasound is on top, and baby girls 31 week ultrasound is on the bottom.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Nolan only dances to 1 song at grandmas.
Nolan has now taught us that we cannot walk past the park with out stopping. Luckily mom toughed out the wet shoes through the swampy grass and he got to have a blast!
He loves his sister (for now). Lots of kisses (and face burying.)
Easter morning was a lot of fun. Daddy had to work so we woke early, found our basket, played with the toys, found eggs, and dyed eggs all before 8:30! After daddy left for work, Nolan and mommy went to Grandma Dawns first for Jansen Easter, then Grandma Katy's for Gloudemans' Easter. Daddy met us there. Nolan was a little feisty when it came to taking pictures with his cousins, but we had a great day!
I wanted to get this adorable smile out of Nolan so I held his favorite book and got this award winner! Then he spent some time reading which was nothing short of adorable!
Spring Break was quite the week!
Monday: Monkey Joes and a new Playhouse!
Tuesday: Children's Museum (Bernie Sanders Rally made parking tricky)
Wednesday: Story time at the library and waterpark with Cal, and Burger Kind Daddy used to work at.
Thursday: Mall to get some new clothes, new toys, and a bear for baby sister!
Nolan discovered a 3 way mirror for the first time. It was hilarious!
Friday: 1000 Island Environmental Center with Charles
Saturday: Play date with friends! Nolan LOVES babies. I wanted to see how he was by baby Kinley, and he instantly wrapped his arms around her and insisted on holding her. I am so excited to see him as a big brother!
Reading with this little boy never gets old. I love my cuddles.
Nolan sharing his first root beer float with Daddy.
He is getting so smart!! He started this today, I had no idea he could say letters besides N and he whipped out more today!